
6.1. Electric equipment of the engine

General information
The electric equipment of the engine includes the rechargeable battery, system of ignition (high and low voltage), a starter and the generator.
For search and definition of malfunctions in system of the electric equipment of the engine it is necessary to use diagnostic schemes.

Rechargeable battery
On all cars unattended rechargeable batteries are installed. The rechargeable battery is a device for storage of energy in a chemical form which can be used as electricity.
In system of electric equipment the rechargeable battery performs three main functions. First, the battery is a power source for launch of the engine. Secondly, she acts as the voltage stabilizer in system. Thirdly, she can be during limited time a power supply source when electric loading exceeds the output power of the generator.

System of charging
Generators of alternating current are installed in cars. Depending on model and the electric equipment installed on the car Delco Remy CS generators of various power of CS-121 and CS-130 can be installed. Figures designate the outer diameter of plates of the stator in millimeters.
In CS generators the new type of the regulator containing three diodes is applied.
According to the electric characteristics the Delta stator, the block of the rectifier and a rotor with contact rings and brushes are similar to those which were used in former generators. A standard pulley and a krylchatka are applied, and the opening for test is not provided.

System of ignition

Ignition chain
The chain of ignition consists of the rechargeable battery, the distributor of ignition, the switch of ignition, spark plugs and wires of high and low voltage.

Ignition distributor
The distributor of ignition of the high voltage (HEI) with electronic adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition (EST) used on the majority of engines combines all elements of system of ignition in one block. The induction coil of ignition is located in a cover of the distributor of ignition and connects to a rotor a brush with a high resistance. Other type of system of ignition HEI/EST established on some engines has separately located ignition coil.

Adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition
When using a stroboscope connect an adapter between a candle of the first cylinder and a high-voltage wire of the first cylinder or use the sensor of inductive type.

High-voltage wires
The high-voltage wires applied in system of ignition have the impregnated carbonaceous core surrounded with a cover from silicone rubber with a diameter of 8 mm. The silicone cover maintains very high temperatures and provides good isolation from high voltage in system of ignition.

Spark plugs
To avoid failures of the engine, decrease in its power, deterioration in acceleration performance, increase in content of harmful substances in the fulfilled gases and creations of hindrances for radio reception, it is necessary to apply only the recommended spark plugs to this engine. Especially important characteristics of candles are the quantity of electrodes, kalilny number and, in some cases, ability not to create hindrances to radio reception.
On all engines, except for engines with an aluminum head, candles of resistive type with a conic skirt of the insulator are established.

Ignition switch
The mechanical switch of ignition is installed in the right part of a steering column under a steering wheel.

System of launch of the engine
The system of launch of the engine turns on the rechargeable battery, a starter, the switch of ignition and electric wires.
In a starter the lever of turning on of the drive and the traction relay with a vtyazhny anchor are placed in a casing that protects them from dirt, frosting and hit of alien objects.

Diagnostics of system is given in charts.

chart 1.

chart 2.
Rechargeable battery

General information
The electric equipment of the engine includes the rechargeable battery, system of ignition (high and low voltage), a starter and the generator.
For search and definition of malfunctions in system of the electric equipment of the engine it is necessary to use diagnostic schemes.

Rechargeable battery
The rechargeable battery is intended for launch of the engine and food of consumers at the idle engine when the generator does not develop the electric power.
Active material in the lead-acid rechargeable battery is the oxide of lead (PbO2) on positive plates, spongy high-porous lead (Pb) on negative plates and electrolyte (water solution of sulfuric acid) which at the same time is a conductor of ions. Plates of the rechargeable battery allow presence of typical voltages in relation to electrolyte, and their sum forms tension of a galvanic cell (banks of the rechargeable battery). At rest tension of each galvanic cell is approximately equal to 2 V and increases during battery charging, and decreases at a discharge. At a discharge of a galvanic cell positive and negative plates, interacting with sulfuric acid in electrolyte, form sulfate lead. Electrolyte gives ions of SO4 and its density decreases. At charging the active mass of PbO2 and Pb is restored from sulfate lead.
If tension of charging is put to plates of the rechargeable battery after achievement of a total charge of galvanic cells, then there is only an electrolytic decomposition of water at which are formed oxygen on positive plates and hydrogen on negative plates that leads to "boiling" of the rechargeable battery. Density of electrolyte can be used as indication of degree of charging of the rechargeable battery.

Fig. 6.1. Unattended rechargeable battery

Cars are completed at the plant with the unattended rechargeable battery which does not demand other service, except support of the case and plugs in purity (fig. 6.1). In a cover of the battery there are no ventilating traffic jams. The rechargeable battery is completely pressurized except for two small air vents on side surfaces. Through these openings there are small amounts of gases which are formed during the operation of the battery.
The unattended rechargeable battery has the following advantages in comparison with ordinary rechargeable batteries:
– the water dolivka during all service life of the battery is not required;
– existence of protection against a recharge. If on the rechargeable battery too high voltage moves, through it there will not pass the same current, as through ordinary batteries. In ordinary rechargeable batteries excess tension will lead to additional charging with liberation of gas and the corresponding losses of electrolyte;
– smaller current of a self-discharge. This property is especially important at storage of the battery during the long period of time;
– the big size of capacity at the smaller sizes and weight.
In case of use of the unattended rechargeable battery the condition of the battery can be checked only the voltmeter. In rechargeable batteries with the built-in indicator of degree of state of charge the condition of the battery is determined by color of the indicator. Green color of the indicator corresponds to a full charge of the battery. Black color of the indicator indicates battery chargings the need. Light or light yellow color of the indicator testifies to the low level of electrolyte in the battery.
In system of electric equipment the rechargeable battery performs three main functions. First, the battery is a power source for launch of the engine. Secondly, she acts as the voltage stabilizer in system. Thirdly, she can be during limited time a power supply source when electric loading exceeds the output power of the generator.

Characteristics of the rechargeable battery
The rechargeable battery has two characteristics:
– the reserve capacity at a temperature of 27 °C determined as time during which completely charged rechargeable battery can provide current 25 A at a voltage of 10,5 V and above;
– the current at a low temperature measured at a temperature of -18 °C as the characteristic of the capacity used at a provorachivaniye of a bent shaft.

Reserve capacity
Reserve capacity is time during which the rechargeable battery ensures functioning of all auxiliary devices in the car at night and in the conditions of bad weather at the faulty generator.
The reserve capacity (RC) expressed in minutes is the time demanded for the full category of completely charged rechargeable battery at a temperature of 27 °C and current 25 A before achievement of final tension of 10,5 Century.

Current of launch of the engine at a low temperature
Measurements of current of launch of the engine on cold are taken at a temperature of the rechargeable battery minus 18 °C. Measure the minimum current which has to be supported by the rechargeable battery during 30 with at the set temperature and at a voltage not less than 7,2 V. This size also characterizes ability of the rechargeable battery to launch of the engine in cold season.
The rechargeable battery is not intended for vaguely long operation. However at due service she will work hard years. If the rechargeable battery yields good results at tests, but has unsatisfactory operational characteristics, the following factors can be a cause of failures:
– electric devices of the car were left included during the night;
– low average speeds of the movement during the short periods of time;
– electric loading in the car exceeds generator power, in particular, in case of installation of the additional equipment after acquisition of the car;
– malfunctions in system of charging, such as short circuits, an insufficient tension of a belt of the drive of the generator, a malfunction in the generator or in tension regulator;
– misuse of the rechargeable battery, including bad cleaning of plugs and insufficiently dense inhaling of contacts of wires and unreliable fastening of the rechargeable battery;
– mechanical damages to the electric equipment, such as short circuits or breakdown of isolation of wires.

Electrolyte freezing
Temperature of freezing of electrolyte depends on its density. As freezing can lead to destruction of the rechargeable battery, it should be supported constantly in the loaded state.

Arm and fastening of the rechargeable battery
Before installation of the rechargeable battery check that the arm and a clip of fastening had no traces of corrosion and other pollution.
The arm has to be intact that strong and equal installation of the rechargeable battery was provided. On an arm there should not be foreign objects.
For prevention of free movement of the rechargeable battery on an arm bolts of its fastening
have to be reliably tightened, but are not drawn.

The areometer which is built in the rechargeable battery
In the top part of the unattended rechargeable battery there is a built-in areometer for check of density of electrolyte with temperature compensation. When using the areometer it is necessary to be convinced that the top part of the rechargeable battery is cleared of pollution. In the conditions of insufficient lighting the light source can be required.

Fig. 6.2. The areometer which is built in the rechargeable battery: 1 – green point; 2 – the green point is not visible; 3 – light yellow color of the indicator

In rechargeable batteries with the built-in indicator of degree of state of charge the condition of the battery is determined by color of the indicator (fig. 6.2):
– the point of the indicator of green color corresponds to a full charge of the battery;
– the point of the indicator of black color indicates battery chargings the need. If there are difficulties with launch of the engine, then it is necessary to carry out tests of the rechargeable battery and the system of charging and the electric equipment have to be at the same time checked;
– the background of white or light yellow color of the indicator testifies to the low level of electrolyte in the battery. This state can be caused by excessive or long charging, damage of the case, an excessive inclination or normal aging of the rechargeable battery. Emergence of such signal can mean that charging is conducted at too high voltage as a result of failure of system of charging. Therefore check of system of charging and the electric equipment can be required. If there are difficulties with launch of the engine and these difficulties are caused by the rechargeable battery, the battery should be replaced.

Diagnostics of the rechargeable battery
1. Visual inspection.
Check for lack of obvious damages, such as cracking or destruction of the case or the cover leading to electrolyte leak. At detection of obvious damages replace the rechargeable battery. Establish the reason of damage and if necessary eliminate it. If visual inspection did not reveal damages, pass to a stage 2.
2. Check of the areometer.
and. The green point is visible – pass to a stage 3.
. Blackout: the green point is not visible – charge the rechargeable battery and pass to a stage 3.
3. Test under loading.
For test under loading application of adapters to plugs of the rechargeable battery can be required to provide reliable contact.
and. Connect the voltmeter and the device for check of a condition of the rechargeable battery to battery plugs.
. Connect on 15 about loading 300 A for removal of a superficial charge from plates of the rechargeable battery and disconnect loading.
century. After 15 from the break necessary for restoration of the battery, connect the loading specified in documentation the battery. Through 15 with record tension and then disconnect loading.
Minimum values of tension:

. If tension does not decrease below the minimum value specified in the table, a condition of the rechargeable battery good, and she can be exploited further. If tension decreases below the minimum level, the battery should be replaced. Temperature of the rechargeable battery should be determined to the touch taking into account that temperature at which the battery was within the previous several hours.


Charging of the rechargeable battery
In need of charging of the rechargeable battery it is necessary to follow the following basic rules.
1. Do not charge the rechargeable battery if the areometer has white or light yellow color, and replace it.
2. If it is to the touch felt that the rechargeable battery heated up to 52 °C or strong gas generation or spraying of electrolyte through openings is observed, stop charging or reduce charging current.

Operation of charging
1. Rechargeable batteries with a point of green color in the areometer do not demand charging if only they just before charging were not discharged (for example, at launch of the engine).
2. At charging of the rechargeable batteries removed from the car with the closed plugs establish adapters. Batteries with clips do not demand application of adapters.
3. Make sure that all contacts of the charger are cleared and reliably connected.
4. Charging should be made for achievement of the best results in conditions when electrolyte and plates are at the room temperature. Current in the rechargeable batteries which are at very low temperatures can not proceed within several hours after turning on of the charger.
5. Exercises of the rechargeable battery need to be done before emergence of a point of green color in the areometer. It is necessary to check a condition of the battery during charging each 30 min. In order that the green point became visible, rocking or stirring of the rechargeable battery can be required.
6. After charging it is necessary to carry out test of the rechargeable battery under loading.

Time necessary for charging
Time necessary for charging of the rechargeable battery can change depending on the following factors.
1. Size of the rechargeable battery.
Charging of completely discharged high-capacity large-size rechargeable battery requires time exceeding more than twice time of charging of completely discharged battery of the small size for the car.
2. Temperatures.
Charging of the rechargeable battery at a temperature minus 18 °C will require more time, than at a temperature of 27 °C. At connection of the charger of high power to the cold rechargeable battery current in the battery will be very insignificant in the beginning and over time will increase in process of a battery warming up.
3. Charger capacities.
At use of the charger with the maximum current of charging 5 A it will be required bigger time of charging, than in case of the charger with current of return 30 A and is considerable above.
4. Discharge degrees.
Charging of completely discharged rechargeable battery requires time, more than twice the exceeding time of the battery charging discharged half. Because electrolyte in completely discharged battery represents almost clear water with small conductivity, the current passing through the battery, in the beginning very insignificant. Further, in process of increase in content of acid under the influence of charging current charging will increase in electrolyte.

Charging of completely discharged rechargeable battery removed from the car
The following procedure has to be applied to charging of completely discharged rechargeable battery. If it is wrong to apply the specified procedure, then damage of quite suitable rechargeable battery is possible.
1. Measure tension on battery plugs by means of the exact voltmeter. If voltage below 10 V, charging current is very insignificant and certain time will be required before current in the battery exceeds a little мА.
So small current can be not recorded by the ampermeters which are available in usual conditions.
2. Install the charger on big current.
3. Some chargers have a protective chain which is not allowing inclusion of charging at the wrong connection of wires of the charger. Completely discharged rechargeable battery can not develop tension sufficient for inclusion of a charging chain even at the correct connection of wires; an impression is as a result made that charging current via the battery will not go. In this case it is necessary to use the instruction of the manufacturer of the charger for connection bypassing protection for the purpose of charging of the rechargeable battery with the low level of tension.
4. Chargers differ on the created tension and current. Time necessary for achievement of the measured currents in the rechargeable battery at various tension, can make the following sizes:
– 16,0 B and above – to 4 h;
– 14,0-15,9 B – to 8 h;
– 13,9 B and below – to 16.
If charging current cannot be still measured after the specified time, the battery is subject to replacement.
If charging current can be measured during charging time, then the rechargeable battery is considered suitable and charging can be complete in the regular way.
5. It is important to remember that completely discharged rechargeable battery has to be charged to sufficient capacity in ampere-hours (And · w) that it could be used. As the empirical rule it is possible to tell that the reserve capacity of the rechargeable battery (RC) can be used as an indicator of number of ampere-hours; at the same time in the areometer the point of green color will become visible.
So, for example, if it is defined that the reserve capacity of the rechargeable battery makes 75 minutes, its full charge will require the following mode:
– charging current 10 A x 7,5 h = 75 A · h or
– charging current 25 A x 3 h = 75 A · h, etc.
6. It is recommended to subject each rechargeable battery charged with such method, to test under loading to define its suitability.

Launch of the engine from the rechargeable battery of other car
Start-up by means of connecting cables can become dangerous if it is executed incorrectly. Therefore, for an exception of a trauma of personnel or damage of the car or the battery adhere to the technique given further.
Keep at rather long distance from the battery all sources of a flame or sparks. The battery produces hydrogen which can explode if it is subject to action of a flame or spark. Do not try to launch the engine if the discharged battery froze or if in it the low level of electrolyte: the battery can burst or explode.
1. Put the car with the charged rechargeable battery so that connecting wires reached the rechargeable battery of other car; connecting wires should not have the exfoliated isolation or the bared sites.
2. Switch off ignition and all light devices on both cars, except for signals of an emergency stop (as journey of other cars in this site is possible) and light sources for illumination of a working zone. Reliably tighten the parking brake on both cars, and install the lever of gear shifting in situation "Park" on cars with the automatic transmission or in neutral situation on cars with the mechanical transmission.
3. Connect one end of the first connecting wire to the positive plug of the charged rechargeable battery. Having convinced that the wire does not concern any other metal parts, fix other end of the same wire on the positive plug of the second rechargeable battery. Do not mix polarity of batteries at all.
4. Connect one end of the second connecting wire to the negative plug of the auxiliary (charged) rechargeable battery. Connect the second end of a wire to "mass" of the car (for example, to a lifting bracket of the engine) at distance of at least 450 mm from the discharged rechargeable battery. Make sure that connecting wires do not concern pulleys, the krylchatok and other parts which can begin to move at launch of the engine, and is not passed near them.

Do not connect the second wire directly to the negative plug of the discharged rechargeable battery. Otherwise, sparking and explosion of the rechargeable battery is possible.

5. Launch the car engine with the normal rechargeable battery. Support the moderate frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine within several minutes, then launch the car engine with the discharged rechargeable battery.
6. Remove connecting wires in the sequence, the return to their connection. At first disconnect a negative connecting wire from "mass" of the car with the discharged rechargeable battery. At a detachment of each clip do not allow contact with any metal parts when other end of a wire is still attached.

Service on the car

Rechargeable battery
1. Disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the rechargeable battery.
2. Disconnect a wire from the positive plug of the rechargeable battery.
3. Turn out the screw of fastening of a clip and remove a clip.
4. Remove the rechargeable battery.
1. Install the rechargeable battery.
2. Establish a clip and fix it by the screw.
3. Connect a wire to the positive plug of the rechargeable battery and tighten the screw of fastening of a wire the moment of 17 N • m.
4. Connect a wire to the negative plug of the rechargeable battery and tighten the screw of fastening of a wire the moment of 17 N • m.