
4.3. Service of the cooling system

Every time, opening a cowl, check the level of cooling liquid in a transparent broad tank. During the normal work the level of cooling liquid has to increase. At the level of a tank tag you make a dolivka of cooling liquid for maintenance of level of liquid only in a broad tank. For a dolivka use high-quality etilenglikolevy antifreeze and water in the ratio 50:50.

Every 12 months it is necessary to make the following service of the cooling system:
1. Wash out clear water a stopper of a broad tank.
2. Check the level of cooling liquid and its resistance to freezing.
3. Check the cooling system and a stopper of a broad tank under pressure of 105 kPa. If it is necessary to replace a stopper of a broad tank, apply only a cover to this model of the car.
4. Tighten collars of fastening of hoses and check a condition of all hoses. Replace the inflated hoses, hoses with cracks or other damages.
5. Clear a forward surface of a front grille and the condenser of the air conditioning system.

Discharge and refill of the cooling system

Correctly utilize the used cooling liquid. It is forbidden to merge the used cooling liquid in the sewerage. Etilenglikolevy antifreeze – very toxic chemical. Its discharge in the sewerage or hit in ground waters is violation of the law and causes damage to ecology.
Replace hoses each 24 months or earlier if their swelling, cracking or other damages is noticed.
In the same time you make discharge and a refill of system new cooling liquid:

1. Remove a stopper from a broad tank.

In order to avoid receiving burns do not remove a stopper from a broad tank at the hot engine and a radiator as the boiling liquid and steam can be splashed out under the influence of excessive pressure.

2. Remove a radiator and carefully wash out it.
3. Remove a broad tank.
4. Establish a radiator and a broad tank into place.
5. Again connect all hoses, except the top hose of a radiator.
6. Fill in cooling liquid in system.
7. Establish into place and fix the top hose of a radiator.
8. Launch the engine and warm up before opening of the thermostat.

Block driving wheels, install the selector of the automatic transmission in the provision of "PARK" (PARKING), install the lever of gear shifting of the mechanical transmission in neutral situation and turn on the parking brake.

9. After cooling of the cooling system add cooling liquid to the required level.

Under some conditions ethylene glycol in cooling liquid becomes flammable. In order to avoid receiving burns at a dolivka of liquid do not allow hit of the spilled cooling liquid on a detail of system of production of the fulfilled gases and the hot engine.

Maintain temperature of freezing of cooling liquid according to car service conditions.
a) Even if low air temperature is not expected, for protection against corrosion and losses of cooling liquid because of boiling maintain temperature of freezing of liquid of equal –37 °C.
b) At lowering of the level of content of ethylene glycol in cooling liquid or for freezing fall of temperature below -37 °C add ethylene glycol to cooling liquid of system.

Use as pure cooling liquid, and also liquid on the basis of ethyl or methyl alcohols is not recommended.

Repair of an aluminum radiator

Fig. 4.1. Aluminum radiator: 1 – reception tank; 2 – heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid; 3 – radiator core; 4 – laying; 5 – final tank

In a radiator aluminum tubes and plastic tanks (fig. 4.1) are applied. Replacement of tubes and plastic tanks can be made separately. Tubes can be easily repaired by method of hot fusing of the gluing materials.
Tubes of a radiator fasten to tanks by means of blooming petals which for replacement of the block of tubes or tanks need to be unbent.
If the tube is strongly damaged, it can be blocked or hammered with a stopper. Blocking more than two tubes of a radiator is not allowed. Replacement of the block of tubes needs to be made and in case on one of the parties more than three petals or two next petals are broken.

Radiator tanks
Tanks of a radiator are attached to the block of tubes of a core by the pressed-out petals. In need of removal of a tank from a radiator petals need to be unbent. Unbend petals only so that it was possible to remove a tank as excessive straightening of petals reduces their durability. For consolidation of a surface of contact of tubes and tanks laying from high-temperature rubber is used. Every time at removal of tanks of a radiator it is necessary to use new laying.

Heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid
The heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid is located in one of radiator tanks. Its replacement can be made after removal of a tank of a radiator.

Service of an aluminum radiator
Repairs of an aluminum and plastic radiator can be made by the dealer. It is independently possible to replace only the following elements of a radiator:
– block of tubes;
– tanks and laying;
– heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid and laying.
The damaged or burst tanks are not subject to repair. The block of tubes it is possible to replace and use the new block with old tanks and the heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid.

Precautionary measures
For prevention of injuries at service of the cooling system observe precautionary measures.

In order to avoid receiving burns do not remove a radiator stopper on the hot engine and a radiator as it is possible to get burn because of emission of the boiling cooling liquid or steam.
Application of usual methods of service can damage an aluminum radiator therefore use of the washing solutions on the basis of the caustic soda or strong alkalis is not recommended.
– Do not open a cowl if it is heard or it is visible that the motor compartment comes out steam or cooling liquid.
– Do not remove a stopper from a broad tank if there are suspicions that liquid in a broad tank is close to boiling.
– For protection of eyes put on glasses.
– For protection of skin of hands against harmful effects of chemicals or against burns put on gloves.
– Prevent hit of dirt and water in the heat exchanger of cooling of transmission liquid.
– At service of a radiator do not use capacity for evaporation or capacity which were used at service of copper or brass radiators. The gumboil, acid or the caustic soda remaining in such capacities can react with aluminum and lead to a radiator exit out of operation. At service of aluminum and plastic radiators it is recommended to have the separate test container with clear water.
Use of the sources of compressed air which are not adjusted on 138 kPa is forbidden. Pressure exceeding 138 kPa will lead to a radiator exit out of operation.