15.4. Description of operation of the V5 compressor
The V5 model represents the compressor with a variable productivity which meets the requirements of automatic air conditioning under any conditions without periodic replacement.
Fig. 15.9. V5 compressor cross-section: 1 – back part; 2 – the soaking-up opening; 3 – laying on a back part; 4 – valve plate; 5 – reed plate; 6 – coupling winding; 7 – pulley; 8 – drive plate; 9 – pulley bearing; 10 – shaft spline; 11 – shaft nut; 12 – holder of forward laying; 13 – forward laying; 14 – sealing ring of forward laying; 15 – forward part; 16 – adjusting valve of the compressor; 17 – perepuskny valve of high pressure
Fig. 15.10. V5 compressor details: 1 – persistent washers; 2 – persistent bearing; 3 – sealing ring of laying of a shaft; 4 – manzhetny consolidation of a shaft; 5 – lock ring of consolidation; 6 – shaft nut; 7 – drive plate of coupling; 8 – a lock ring between a support of a pulley and the main part; 9 – pulley bearing; 10 – pulley rotor; 11 – coupling winding; 12 – coupling nave spline; 13 – coupling bolt; 14 – shponochny flute of a nave of coupling; 15 – washer of a coupling bolt; 16 – compressor case; 17 – oil discharge stopper; 18 – bearing; 19 – a sealing ring between the case of the compressor and the cylinder; 20 – compressor shaft; 21 – the cylinder – the block of a shaft and the directing pin; 22 – sealing ring of a back part; 23 – reed plate; 24 – valve plate; 25 – laying of a back part; 26 – back part of the compressor; 27 – lock ring; 28 – sealing ring of the adjusting valve; 29 – compressor valve; 30 – sealing ring of the switch and switch of the fan; 31 – switch of system of regulation by the fan and switch; 32 – sealing ring of the perepuskny valve of high pressure; 33 – perepuskny valve of high pressure
The main mechanism of the compressor is an inclined disk with the changing corner and five cylinders located on an axis. Control of productivity of the compressor is exercised by the adjusting valve, in turn, operated by the corrugated membrane located on a back part of the compressor of fig. 15.9, 15.10). The corner of an inclined disk and productivity of the compressor are regulated depending on pressure difference in a case of the engine and in an inlet collector. If energy consumption by system of the conditioned air high, then pressure of absorption is above a control point; via the valve the gas going from a case to a collector at the same time will be pitted there will be no pressure difference in a case of the engine and in an inlet collector and then the working volume of the compressor will be maximum. If loading is one air conditioning system lower and pressure of absorption reaches a control point, then via the valve exhaust gas will go to a case of the engine and pass will be closed from a case to the soaking-up camera.
The tilt angle of a disk depends on power balance on five pistons. Slight increase of a difference of pressure in a case of the engine and in an inlet collector creates on pistons the net force which sets them in motion around an axis of turn of an inclined disk that reduces a disk corner.
The compressor is equipped with the unique lubrication system. The oil following from a case through the rotating inclined disk moves for lubricant of the bearing of this disk. At rotation a part of oil separates from the general stream and again goes to a case where there is a compressor mechanism lubricant.
In a case about 0,12 l of oil can accumulate. Therefore it is important to pump out when replacing the compressor oil from a case of the old compressor through a drain opening and to measure its volume.
In all compressors delivered for replacement in cases 0,24 l of oil are downloaded; this oil needs to be pumped out and kept. Then fill in oil in the same quantity which was pumped out from the old compressor.