11.1. General information
Fig. 11.2. Elements of a back suspension bracket: 1 – cap; 2 – top nut of fastening of the stabilizer; 3 – washer; 4 – top buffer; 5 – cuff; 6 – washer; 7 – shock-absorber; 8 – bolt; 9 – nut; 10 – epiploon; 11 – internal bearing; 12 – nave; 13 – external bearing of a wheel; 14 – cap; 15 – forelock; 16 – koronchaty nut; 17 – cap; 18 – lock-nut; 19 – washer; 20 – bolt of fastening of the stabilizer; 21 – nut; 22 – axis of a support of a back suspension bracket; 23 – bolt; 24 – stabilizer guides; 25 – stabilizer; 26 – support of a back suspension bracket; 27 – lower cup; 28 – spring; 29 – top cup
The car has a semi-independent suspension bracket of a back axis which consists of a beam with longitudinal levers, the connector working for torsion, two spiral springs, two shock-absorbers, two top rubber support of springs and two limiters of the course (fig. 11.1, 11.2). The knot of a back axis fastens to the body bottom via the rubber-metal plugs located in a forward part of each longitudinal lever, arms for fastening of levers are welded on body longerons.
The design of knot of a back suspension bracket provides preservation of geometry of an arrangement of wheels in relation to a body. The stabilizer of cross stability is attached from the inside to a beam of the back bridge and to the lower surface of longitudinal levers.
Car weight in a back part is supported by two spiral springs. Each spring is fixed between the top basic cup located in the body bottom and the cup welded on the top part of the longitudinal lever. For a support of the top end of a spring rubber laying serves, and to a support of the lower end of a spring it is applied the isolating and rubber laying.
The lower ends of shock-absorbers fasten to suspension bracket levers bolts and nuts. The top ends fasten to support which are fixed by bolts in arches of back wheels.
On both ends of a back axis bolts fixed naves with bearings.
Naves with bearings represent non-demountable knot, and replacement of the bearing separately is not represented possible.